Torch Autodiff Multicharge


Torch Autodiff Multicharge#

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PyTorch implementation of the electronegativity equilibration (EEQ) model for atomic partial charges. This module allows to process a single structure or a batch of structures for the calculation of atom-resolved dispersion energies.

For details on the EEQ model, see

  • S. A. Ghasemi, A. Hofstetter, S. Saha, and S. Goedecker, Phys. Rev. B, 2015, 92, 045131. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.045131

  • E. Caldeweyher, S. Ehlert, A. Hansen, H. Neugebauer, S. Spicher, C. Bannwarth and S. Grimme, J. Chem. Phys., 2019, 150, 154122. DOI: 10.1063/1.5090222

For alternative implementations, also check out


Implementation of the EEQ model in Fortran.


The following example shows how to calculate the EEQ partial charges and the corresponding electrostatic energy for a single structure.

import torch
from tad_multicharge import eeq

numbers = torch.tensor([7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

# coordinates in Bohr
positions = torch.tensor(
        [-2.98334550857544, -0.08808205276728, +0.00000000000000],
        [+2.98334550857544, +0.08808205276728, +0.00000000000000],
        [-4.07920360565186, +0.25775116682053, +1.52985656261444],
        [-1.60526800155640, +1.24380481243134, +0.00000000000000],
        [-4.07920360565186, +0.25775116682053, -1.52985656261444],
        [+4.07920360565186, -0.25775116682053, -1.52985656261444],
        [+1.60526800155640, -1.24380481243134, +0.00000000000000],
        [+4.07920360565186, -0.25775116682053, +1.52985656261444],

total_charge = torch.tensor(0.0)
cn = torch.tensor([3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

eeq_model = eeq.EEQModel.param2019()
energy, qat = eeq_model.solve(numbers, positions, total_charge, cn)

print(torch.sum(energy, -1))
# tensor(-0.1750)
# tensor([-0.8347, -0.8347,  0.2731,  0.2886,  0.2731,  0.2731,  0.2886,  0.2731])

The next example shows the calculation of the electrostatic energy with a simpler API for a batch of structures.

import torch
from tad_multicharge import eeq
from tad_mctc.batch import pack
from tad_mctc.convert import symbol_to_number

# S22 system 4: formamide dimer
numbers = pack(
        symbol_to_number("C C N N H H H H H H O O".split()),
        symbol_to_number("C O N H H H".split()),

# coordinates in Bohr
positions = pack(
                [-3.81469488143921, +0.09993441402912, 0.00000000000000],
                [+3.81469488143921, -0.09993441402912, 0.00000000000000],
                [-2.66030049324036, -2.15898251533508, 0.00000000000000],
                [+2.66030049324036, +2.15898251533508, 0.00000000000000],
                [-0.73178529739380, -2.28237795829773, 0.00000000000000],
                [-5.89039325714111, -0.02589114569128, 0.00000000000000],
                [-3.71254944801331, -3.73605775833130, 0.00000000000000],
                [+3.71254944801331, +3.73605775833130, 0.00000000000000],
                [+0.73178529739380, +2.28237795829773, 0.00000000000000],
                [+5.89039325714111, +0.02589114569128, 0.00000000000000],
                [-2.74426102638245, +2.16115570068359, 0.00000000000000],
                [+2.74426102638245, -2.16115570068359, 0.00000000000000],
                [-0.55569743203406, +1.09030425468557, 0.00000000000000],
                [+0.51473634678469, +3.15152550263611, 0.00000000000000],
                [+0.59869690244446, -1.16861263789477, 0.00000000000000],
                [-0.45355203669134, -2.74568780438064, 0.00000000000000],
                [+2.52721209544999, -1.29200800956867, 0.00000000000000],
                [-2.63139587595376, +0.96447869452240, 0.00000000000000],

# total charge of both system
charge = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0])

# calculate electrostatic energy in Hartree
energy = torch.sum(eeq.get_energy(numbers, positions, charge), -1)

# tensor([-0.2086755037, -0.0972094536])
print(energy[0] - 2 * energy[1])
# tensor(-0.0142565966)